Ever feel like you’re living life according to someone else’s program?

Our subconscious mind gets programmed from childhood without our control, which can lead us to self-doubt and limiting beliefs.

Manifesting has a lot more to do with Psychology and Neuroscience, than Magical thinking.

Your subconscious mind is programmed, and it always executes against that program, much like a computer. Now, the shame is that this program has been implemented in you from early childhood without you having any control over it.

‌The world is full of endless information, opportunities, knowledge, and chances.

‌These opportunities are there for everyone to use, but your subconscious mind is only showing you the opportunities which are fitting into your belief system.

‌The fact is; you can’t do anything to overrule your subconscious mind. You need to make it work for you. You can work harder than everyone around you. You can try harder and harder, but you will not succeed in fighting your inner beliefs. You will fail over and over. You have to change the programming‌.


“‌The Algorithm” is the method, which I have created, backed by 10 years of research and experiments, in psychology and neuroscience.
‌If you still think that Manifesting is something magical. Think again. Your world is you Mirror. You manifested everything you have.

I will help you get results this year, not in 10 years as if you were working on your own.

Alina Polner

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